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Box Making | Larissa Huff

October 13 - October 17 | 9:00 - 4:00 $965.00
larrisa huff box with steam bend handle
Larissa Huff
I design, build, and finish furniture (and anything else I find interesting) from local Pennsylvania hardwoods. I showcase the material and joinery as the primary design details in my work. I still love to teach. I have been designing and teaching long and short form woodworking courses for nearly 1o years.
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Box Making – Grow Your Woodworking Skills

Box-making is an excellent way to build and hone skills that can directly lend themselves to countless projects large and small. Consider the objects and furniture in our homes- Cabinets? Drawers? Dressers? Shelving units? They’re all boxes!

This Box-Making course is a journey in design and joinery. It will enhance your understanding of woodworking as well as implement a wide range of power and hand tool techniques to achieve thoughtful and refined results. Over five days we will discuss design, planning a project, joinery, jigs, pull design, various methods of adding detail, and more. Using three boxes as our vehicles, we will tackle:

  • Design- Proportions, function, detail elements
  • Planning a project to account for wood movement and safety when making small parts
  • Continuous grain miters to achieve square and polygon-shaped carcases
  • Box joints
  • Pinned rabbet joints
  • Sliding, rabbeted, split, and hinged box lids
  • Captured panels
  • Adding details to a piece using colour, texture, profiles, light/shadow, pull design, etc.
  • Wood bending
  • Installing hinges

The goal of this class is to build on existing woodworking knowledge. I often use boxes as a means of trying a new technique, sampling a material, testing a process, or trying a bold design choice before applying it to a larger furniture piece. The boxes in this class will serve as vehicles to learn new techniques and explore design choices that will open up a new world of possibilities for your future projects.

Join us for a fun week of making beautiful boxes! The mission, should you choose to accept it, is to learn as much as you can.

Learning how to make a good box is a great stepping stone into case and cabinetry work. We encourage students who are interested in these classes to take this first before the cabinet-making class. We recommend that you have taken the Beginning Woodwork class or that you are familiar and comfortable with power tools.

Tool List IconTOOLS NEEDED:   None

Materials Needed:  None


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2025 Oct Box Making for Skills
$ 965.00


October 13 @ 9:00 am
October 17 @ 4:00 pm
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