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Kumiko Tea Box | Mike Pekovich

October 4 - October 5 | 9:00 - 5:00 $565.00
MIke pekovich tea box with kumiko
Mike Pekovich
Mike has studied furniture making, fine art, and graphic design, and he’s been putting those skills to use designing and building furniture for over 30 years. For the last 20 of those, he’s also been busy as the art director at Fine Woodworking magazine and most recently as the author of The Why and How of Woodworking, where his aim is to communicate woodworking how-to in a clear and inspiring way.
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Build Your

Box-Making Skills with Mike Pekovich

Are you looking to spice up your work in a novel way? Then you need to sharpen your chisels and try your hand at Kumiko melded with Box Making.

Kumiko is a Japanese latticework technique that is traditionally found on shoji screens but is making its way into contemporary furniture and boxes. The elegant geometric patterns of Kumiko begin with a simple half-lap grid. From there each square is filled out with small, precisely beveled parts until the pattern emerges.

In this weekend class, you’ll start by building an elegant mitred box, where you’ll learn how to:

  • work safely and accurately with small parts at the table saw
  • accurate cut mitres
  • created keyed or splined mitres
  • use jigs for accurate work and safety

You’ll then go on to make a traditional leaf pattern Kumiko grid.  This is a great starter into the basics of Kumiko construction that you can put to use on future projects as well.

All levels are welcome.

Tool List IconTOOLS NEEDED:  None

Materials:   Provided by the School


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2025 Oct Pekovich Kumiko Tea
$ 565.00


October 4 @ 9:00 am
October 5 @ 5:00 pm
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