Choosing Woodworking Tools | Table Saw vs. Band Saw
Choosing Woodworking Tools Table Saw vs. Band Saw Woodworking tools are what I’ve spent my life using. Woodworking and teaching woodworking classes has been my life’s work, and I’ve always worked under the assumption that every woodworking shop should have a table saw. But lately, I’ve been rethinking that strategy.Continue Reading
How to Design Furniture Part 1
How to Design Furniture (part 1) Learn the Basic of Furniture Design with Kelly Parker In this 2-part article we’ll explore how to design furniture from concept through to a completed prototype using a real-life *commission as an example. This first post describes the processes of sketching and modeling. The secondContinue Reading
Hanging Out with Michael Fortune and Kelly Parker
An Evening with Micheal Fortune & Kelly Parker The Florida School of Woodwork offers many opportunities to meet and talk with well-respected, extremely talented woodworkers. Michael Fortune and Kelly Parker recently taught a cabinetmaking class at the school. One evening, local woodworkers had the opportunity to hear a presentation byContinue Reading