Woodworking Industry Jobs, For Sale & Misc Opportunities
The Florida School of Woodwork offers this page as a community market place for woodworkers, turners, carvers, and employers to meet. The School does not endorse any of the individual, companies or products shown here. Please contact the company or individual shown on each listing not the School. Please do your own due diligence.
- 7/2/18
Subject: hiring
Message Body:
My company is hiring persons with carpentry skills to work on a commercial renovation project in ft. myers, fl. this project will begin approx 7/25 and will last 4 months. compensation based on experience. please contact by email: [email protected]
- Hi Kate, I am wondering if your school has anybody like to do an apprenticeship with us? Best, Anita VP Marketing for Erdei Designs . [email protected]
- 6/25/18 From: Amanda <[email protected]>
Subject: woodwork inquiry
I am looking for someone interested in building a wooden arch for my cousin’s wedding. I am not sure if this contact form is the most appropriate way to inquire, so I apologize in advance if it is not. My cousin found an arch design that she loves for its simple appearance, but is having trouble finding someone willing to make it. I was curious if maybe an instructor would be interested in a freelance project, or if this is something your students can work on in class.
- 6/22/18 From:
“Toohey, Richard” <[email protected]> I have a 20″ Power matic planer that Im selling for $1200. The start/stop switch was busted during the move and I’m interested in clearing the U Haul storage bin.
- (6/21/18) From: Mike Erwin <[email protected]>
Subject: Wood case for mountain dulcimer
Trying to find someone who would make me a wood case for my beautiful hand made mountain dulcimer. Reaching out. - Craftsmen’s Edge, LLC is looking for a wood turner to help make hardwood dining table trestles for us. They will be made from various hardwoods such as walnut and cherry. If interested, please contact. Julie A. Martel 941-518-7534
- I hope you can help me find someone who can mill and cut some pieces to size and shape for a candle pedestal I’d like to build. I live not far from Valrico on State Road 60 East just a couple miles from Dover Road. If you know of someone who could do this work for me I would greatly appreciate your [email protected]
- Do you have any students who would be able and willing to build me a wood platform bed and convertible pallet couches and sectionals? I’ve built them before but work full time and don’t have the time or patience. I can buy all the materials. I’m in St. Petersburg and can also pay for shipping and logistics. My turn around time is relatively quick…by Saturday May 26th for the platform bed. [email protected]