Tool List Handtool & Joinery
The School is well equipped and every student has a Tool kit at their bench – the bolded items below identify what is at the School either at your bench or as a community tool.
Tool List
- Bench Chisels – set of narex at each bench metric Common sizes are 1/4″, 3/8″, 1/2″, 5/8″, 3/4″
- Rectangular Scraper – at each bench Bahco #474-150-0.80
- Burnisher – we have a couple
- Square 6” Iguage at the at bench
- Marking Gauge at the at bench
- Sliding T-Bevel at the at bench
- Carver’s Mallet at the at bench Round 12 oz. or 16 oz.
- Marking Knife at the at bench
- Rasps we have multiple in the community tool area
- Metal Rule – at the bench but not optimal (gradation lines don’t begin at the end)
- Dovetail (Back) – variety in teh School
- Cross cut Saw at the at bench
- Rip Saw – variety in the School
- Hand Planes – HNT Gordan Wooden handplane at every bench
- A fine-tooth traditional dovetail saw or Japanese dozuki nokogiri at the at bench
We’ll go through demonstrations & usage for a smooth plane, jack plane, blockplane, joiner addressing basic tune up and sharpening.
We’ll also look at shoulder plane and rabbet plane. – we have two at the School Lie Neilsen and also a small HNT Gordan
But we can discuss any additional you would like & I can give restoration or set-up recommendations.
If you plan on shipping these directly to the Florida School of Woodwork please use the following address otherwise we will not know they belong to you.
Your Name (student) /Class Name
C/O Florida School of Woodwork
1609 N. Franklin St, Tampa, FL 33602
Your tools will be stored for you in the office until your arrival.
Please note that we cannot forward tools. They must be claimed in person by you or by a proxy with identification. Deliveries left here more than 30 days after the start of the class will become the property of the School.