Hanging Tool Cabinet

Handtools are precious tools of our trade, and having a place to get them organized and safe is important. Based on tool cabinets originating around the turn of the 20th century, this project build class is a great fit for woodworkers who believe that power and hand tools can liveContinue Reading


Intro To Carving | Mary May

Intro To Carving with Mary May No better way to spend a week than to put a woodcarving gouge in your hand, create something beautiful - and have fun! Mary May, a well-known professional woodcarver and instructor from South Carolina, will walk you through the carving process using a varietyContinue Reading


Hanging Tool Cabinet

Handtools are precious tools of our trade, and having a place to get them organized and safe is important. Based on tool cabinets originating around the turn of the 20th century, this project build class is a great fit for woodworkers who believe that power and hand tools can liveContinue Reading

Enroll $925.00

Intro To Carving | Mary May

Intro To Carving with Mary May No better way to spend a week than to put a woodcarving gouge in your hand, create something beautiful - and have fun! Mary May, a well-known professional woodcarver and instructor from South Carolina, will walk you through the carving process using a variety

Enroll $895.00

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