Larissa Huff

Larissa Huff is a wood­worker and teacher who makes custom furni­ture and other func­tional wooden objects in Philadel­phia. When she is not design­ing and build­ing furni­ture in her own work­shop, she’s on the road teach­ing and making at shops and schools around the country. She has been an artist-in-resi­dence at Arrow­mont School of Art & Crafts and completed a fellow­ship at the Center for Furni­ture Crafts­man­ship. You can find arti­cles she has authored in Fine Wood­work­ing and Wood­craft Maga­zine. Even her days out of the shop are wrapped up in artful wood­work­ing, as she works part-time at the Wharton Esherick Museum.

Larissa Huff