Art & Technicals of Box Making

The Art & Techniques of Box Making This Box Making course builds on your woodworking and power tool knowledge and is a great stepping stone class to larger projects, like cabinets or drawers. In this hands-on five-day class, you’ll learn and practice multiple box-making techniques: design, carcass construction, resawing lumber, box joints,Continue Reading


Tea Box | Mike Pekovich

Build Your Box Making Skills with Mike Pekovich Are you looking to spice up your work in a novel way? Then you need to sharpen your chisels and try your hand at Kumiko melded with Box Making. Kumiko is a Japanese latticework technique that is traditionally found on shoji screensContinue Reading


Art & Technicals of Box Making

The Art & Techniques of Box Making This Box Making course builds on your woodworking and power tool knowledge and is a great stepping stone class to larger projects, like cabinets or drawers. In this hands-on five-day class, you’ll learn and practice multiple box-making techniques: design, carcass construction, resawing lumber, box joints,Continue Reading


Weekend Veneering | Adrian Ferrazzutti

The class will be an action-packed dive into the world of Commercial Veneer. Veneer allows for endless creative possibilities, and Adrian will lead with demonstrations followed by bench time for students to try various techniques.  This class will be about knife-cut parquetry techniques, creating patterns with lines and geometric shapes.Continue Reading


Skills – Veneering & Box Making | Adrian Ferrazzutti

This multi-discipline class will cover a wide array of techniques, all aimed at developing your skills in box making,  veneering and hardware installation. You'll also find that your patterning, colour planning, and visual impact skills will also be given an opportunity to flex.  As part of your growth in furnitureContinue Reading

Enroll $970.00 1 ticket left

Art & Technicals of Box Making

The Art & Techniques of Box Making This Box Making course builds on your woodworking and power tool knowledge and is a great stepping stone class to larger projects, like cabinets or drawers. In this hands-on five-day class, you’ll learn and practice multiple box-making techniques: design, carcass construction, resawing lumber, box joints,Continue Reading

Enroll $925.00

Art & Technicals of Box Making

The Art & Techniques of Box Making This Box Making course builds on your woodworking and power tool knowledge and is a great stepping stone class to larger projects, like cabinets or drawers. In this hands-on five-day class, you’ll learn and practice multiple box-making techniques: design, carcass construction, resawing lumber, box joints,Continue Reading

Enroll $925.00

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