One of the pleasures I get as an instructor at the Florida School of Woodwork is seeing the excitement on the students’ faces as they explore their creativity and learn new skills. When they craft a perfectly fitting joint after a little practice and guidance, the satisfaction always brings a smile to their faces.

For example, during a recent week-long class on using hand tools, I was showing the students how to cut a large, half-blind dovetail joint using a hand saw and chisels. They each took great care in laying out the dovetail, sawing it to shape, then smoothing the cut lines with their chisels. They used this piece to mark the location of the socket in the adjoining workpiece. Then they went to work removing the waste, using their layout lines as a guide. They would keep testing the fit and paring a little here and there until the dovetail fit perfectly into the socket. “That was easier than it looked!” was a common exclamation.

During one of our box-making classes, a student needed some assistance in making a top for one of his small boxes. He made a mistake in measurement, but didn’t notice it until after he had made the cut at the table saw. I showed him how he could salvage the piece and turn the “mistake” into an attractive design feature for his box. “Oh! I didn’t think about that! That’s cool! So, woodworking is more than just measuring and cutting, isn’t it?” Yes, it is. So much more.

Woodworking at the Florida School of Woodwork not only teaches the fundamentals and intermediate skills necessary to use the tools, but it also helps you explore your creative side. You create the design. We work with you to develop the process in bringing your design to life.

During our classes, you’ll soon make some friends. It’s a great opportunity to learn and share with other students — and have fun doing it.

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