About our Beginning Woodworking Classes


If you love working with your hands or the intrinsic satisfaction of making something, then you’ve come to the right place. Our woodworking, turning and carving classes are located in a beautiful, light-filled workshop in a newly renovated industrial building from the 1920’s.

Our instructors are amazing woodworkers, turners and carver with real world experience.  You will get  individual attention and hours of hands on experience. No matter your current knowledge, abilities and goals you will find a class for you here.  Classes focus on both project and technical development in all of the disciplines of woodworking – furniture making, lathe and carving skill, in a well organized, safe and friendly environment.

Advanced, Intermediate, Beginner and Special Project Courses available.

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Come and have a go!

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Lathe To Table 

 3 day weekend turning and carving event for women.

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Recent Works


Tampa and Florida offer broad choices of places to stay and things to do, so if you are coming for a class you might want to invite someone along with you and make a vacation out of your trip.  There are cooking schools, art schools, museums, biking trails, water activities galore and of course we have dolphins and manatees.

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“Hands down this School is head and shoulders above all the others, just an great place to go and learn from the best” Brian Anderson

Experienced Woodwork Instructors

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All of our classes are taught by experienced furniture makers, turners and carvers. We are passionate makers with real-world experience. So whether you are looking for a new career, to improve your skills or a new hobby our instructors are here to give you the tools and experience to make your designs come to life.

Personal Attention

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All of our classes are designed to give you the focused attention and encouragement needed to build your skills, comfort level, and repertoire of woodworking techniques. We keep class sizes small to tailor lessons and instruction to your individual needs.

Novice to Experienced Woodworkers

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Classes are offered at all levels and cover an array of topics, techniques and a variety of time frames. Subjects cover joinery, hand tools, finishing and cabinet making. We also offer private one-on-one classes that can be scheduled to accommodate schedules that are complicated.